
Hidden gems: 4 places you don't (probably) know

Visiting Italy is not always easy. Often, especially in summer, the cities are overcrowded and the risk is to not enjoy the trip. This happens especially in the capitals, or in major cities, such as Naples, Florence, Milan... For this[...]
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Secrets to Discover: 4 places in Italy you should visit.

Italy is an immense country, full of beauties to discover and full of places to visit. There are some, however, that are more hidden. It is a more niche type of tourism, more reserved, dedicated to those people who love the tranquility of the[...]
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Is it better to buy or rent a house in Italy?

Is it better to buy or rent a house in Italy?

There are pros and cons of buying a house in Italy, especially for those who do not know well the tax regimes of our country. You can think, first of all, that buying a house can somehow bring long-term benefits: owning the property allows you[...]
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Do you want to live in Italy? Here is the flat tax that will allow you to move to Southern Italy.

Do you want to live in Italy? Here is the flat tax that will allow you to move to Southern Italy.

The Pensioners Flat Tax 2020 (or Flat Tax Sud) is an economic maneuver with which it aims to promote and develop consumption and investment in small municipalities in the Mezzogiorno (Southern Italy) that do not have a good housing[...]
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6 Reasons to live in Italy

6 Reasons to live in Italy

Why should you live in Italy?   If you want to spend your retired life in a quiet country, moving to Italy is a wise decision for different reason. If you move to Italy, in fact, you will find a country rich in culture, food and[...]
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