As widely specified in one of our previous articles, renting a house in Italy is definitely the best choice for those who want to live unrelated to any bureaucratic business and for those who want to live Italy 100%. Renting a house allows those who like to travel the opportunity to change accommodation, by touring all our regions. Unlike many other states, Italy is a very different place, because each territory is unique and different from the other. There are sea places, mountain places, more crowded cities and less crowded cities. In order to fully enjoy the life of this country it is vital to think dynamically also with regard to housing and the possibility of changing it cyclically. 

How does the rental process work in Italy?

The Italian real estate market is very different from the US and also from the European one. First of all if you decide to rent a house you will be required to register a legal contract (only if the apartment is occupied for more than 30 days). To make the rent legal, you must send a copy of the contract to the tax authorities, the so called agenzia delle entrate.

Generally, in Italy many private sellers do not deal directly with the sale but rather rely on real estate agencies that also deal with the bureaucratic part. They also have the function of negotiating with the person concerned and act as guarantor.

There are different types of contracts, which we will try to simplify a lot and list.

There is the free market contract, (contratto di libero mercato o a canone libero) the one most used for foreigners in Italy. They have a duration of 4+4, aka a duration of four years, which is then automatically renewed for another four years. This will give both parties more flexibility in choosing contract details.

There are also other possibilities such as "established" contracts, that is much more flexible contracts usually used in the case of students (transitional use)They are contracts which benefit from tax aid to allow for greater flexibility and a much lower operating cost.


What if I want to get rid of all the bureaucratic problems?

It is true that in fact renting a house is always the best choice compared to buying it, because of the countless government permits that you need and especially because of the fact that in the case of buying a house you also need to think about the bank loan not always issued. But sometimes, as well as for the purchase of the house, the rent of one of these could hide pitfalls. Just think that some houses in Italy, especially those available for rent for more than 12 months, are completely provided without furniture

This is because every interested tenant must then furnish the house with a view to stability in the same. You’re wondering, how do I solve this problem?

The answer is very simple. 

If you do not have large capital to buy a house or if you want to avoid the pitfall of renting houses without furniture, you can rely on our team. WillAge allows you to move to Italy and live a life as a retired dream, dealing with all the issues that may arise. With WillAge you won’t have to worry about bureaucracy and any other form of taxation anymore, as we provide a full service. Food, health, entertainment: all through a single subscription that you can expand and change at any time.

WillAge is present in many of the Italian regions, and is very close to its customers. For example, it offers the possibility to try for a trial period of 30 days for a fee the place of interest. 

If you are interested in this initiative we highly recommend you to join our Facebook group where you can ask all the questions and where our staff can support you in every action!